Thousands across Africa ‘Power Up’ to join global day of action for renewable energy

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  • As the climate crisis unleashes fierce heatwaves and more threatening floods, drought and other unprecedented weather events across the continent and beyond, fossil fuel companies are set to announce their quarterly billion-dollar profits, made at the expense of people and the planet.
  • In view of this, is joining forces with partners, frontline communities and grassroots groups across the world on the 3rd and 4th of November to hold widespread actions to rally political will around a global, just renewable energy revolution and call for the fossil fuel industry to pay up for its role in the crisis. 

The actions will take place as part of an initiative by dubbed “Power Up”, which demands that governments across the globe shift money away from polluting fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and channel substantial investments to powering up a safe, just and sustainable future built on people-centred renewables. Promoting people-centred renewables is central to addressing historical energy and power inequities in the South African context, where the struggles for energy access, including load-shedding, load-reduction, and, in some areas, a complete lack of access to electricity, disproportionately affect disenfranchised, marginalised, and predominately black communities.

Over 150 actions will be held across 46 countries worldwide, including ten events scheduled in cities in South Africa. Journalists are invited to cover the events.

Details of major actions:

Sasolburg, South Africa: 
In Sasolburg, the Vaal Environmental Justice Alliance is hosting a festival right on the doorstep of the SASOL plant. They demand SASOL to give urgent attention to the pressing call to accelerate the transition to renewable energy. Central to this event is a captivating art exhibition, where artists will canvas the stark contrast between the consequences of fossil fuels and the real promise of a brighter future powered by renewables.
When: Friday, 3 November, 11:00 am SAST
Contact: Thandi Ngcanca, 0838850625

Cape Town, South Africa: 
Green Connection, together with and our partners and supporters, will stage a picket at the South African Parliament to take a stand against TotalEnergies continuing fossil fuel exploration and exploitation within South Africa. Our resounding demand is that the South African Government must take strict action against TotalEnergies and other fossil fuel companies operating in the country to hold these corporations accountable for the environmental harm and devastation caused by their activities. Often, already vulnerable communities are left to endure the far-reaching impacts of fossil fuel operations. These companies must be held financially responsible for their impacts and the proceeds used to power up climate justice.
When: Friday, 3 November, 9:00 am until 12:00 am SAST
Contact: Glen Tyler Davies,

Limpopo, South Africa: 
EnviroVito is an environmental justice organisation based in Polokwane scheduled to host a street parade in the city of Polokwane following a march to the Department of Minerals Resources and Energy. Together with members and supporters, EnviroVito is taking to the streets to raise the call for the South African Government to impose financial responsibility on the fossil fuel companies recording excessive profits. Redirecting money from the fossil fuel industry can provide the necessary financial resources needed to advance renewable energy solutions for South African communities. EnviroVito demands include an increased tax for fossil fuel companies and an end to subsidies enjoyed by these corporations that boost their astounding profits.
When: Friday, 3 November, 9:00 am SAST
Contact: Moleboheng Mathafeng: +27 67 192 6961 | Tshepo Peele: +27 79 512 8594

Lamu, Kenya: 
Lamu, the site of a proposed coal-fired power plant and home to a UNESCO World Heritage site, will host a creative cultural display and sail dhow races to draw attention to calls to the government to power up renewable energy and ensure the complete cancellation of the proposed plant and other fossil fuel prospects in Kenya.
When: Friday 3 – Saturday 4, November at 9:00 am EAT
Contact: Khadija Shekuwe,

Kitui, Kenya: 
Community representatives from the coal mining blocks in Mui basin in Kitui will hold a procession to deliver a coal “death” certificate to the Office of the Governor of Kitui to urge him to join CSOs in the call for a coal-free Kitui.
When: 3rd November at  9 am EAT
Contact: Daniel Muoti,

Kinshasa and Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo:
Protests against the auctioning of oil and gas blocks in the Democratic Republic of Congo
When: Friday, 3  November, 9:00 am WAT – Goma.
When: Saturday, 4 November, 9:00 am WAT– Kinshasa.
Contact: Bonaventure Bondo, +243 826 571 679, | Justin Mutabesha, +243 978 236 836,

Port Harcourt, Nigeria:
March to the Federal Ministry of Energy in solidarity with the Ogoni community aimed at urging the government to tax Shell to ensure the firm pays its dues and restores dignity to the communities affected by the Ogoni Oil spill.
When: Friday, 3 November, 10:00 am WAT
Contact: Smith Nwokocha,



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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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