Mega 35GW green hydrogen project announced in Mauritania

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  • GreenGo Energy has filed an application to Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines in Mauritania for the development of one of the world’s largest green energy parks.
  • Megaton Moon is planned for a staged implementation process closing the circular architecture to reach 60GW/190TWh of hybrid solar and wind generation and 35GW electrolysis producing 4 million tons of green hydrogen yearly or further processed 18 million tons of green ammonia.
  • The staged implementation targets COD of first pilot stage by 2028 and last stage by 2033-2035.

Last week a delegation from GreenGo Energy met with a delegation from the Energy Ministry under Minister of Petroleum, Energy and Mines, HE Nani O. Chrougha, to discuss the project application and value proposition. The Ministry expressed appreciation and sincere interest in the Megaton Moon project and presented the mature status on drafting of the green hydrogen law with expectations for approval first quarter of 2024.

GreenGo Energy with Energy Minister Mr. HE Nani O. Chrougha.

The project will utilize the 10TWh+ surplus power to facilitate development of a large scale, local desert farming industry, establish a new green industry including local supply chain attracted by the new paradigm of abundant low-cost green energy and water.

More than 70 million tons of desalinated water will be generated yearly to facilitate this development, or triple of what is consumed in the Megaton facility itself for green fuel production. The combination holds the potential to catapult Nouakchott and Mauritania into a prosperous development cycle.

Furthermore, the project intends to spark urban development through partners also driven by the new paradigm of abundant low-cost energy and water resources.

Vast areas of hybrid sun/wind power generation, the residential area, agricultural farms and PtX facilities.

The vision is to transform the capital Nouakchott and the country by sparking significant socioeconomic, green industrial and urban development. Furthermore, to implement a permanent and 100% sustainable solution for the crucial water, power and energy scarcity that has historically been a constant for Nouakchott and Mauritania in general.

“Implementing significant scale to improve both project economics and at the same time enable transformative development for a country or region embodies our purpose as a company. Megaton Moon shall help millions of people”, says Karsten Nielsen, CEO of GreenGo Energy.

Project development, financing and execution

Project development is in progress fully leveraging the development platform at GreenGo Energy in Denmark, benefitting from experience gathered from the further progressed Megaton sister-project in Denmark. Project engineering and development partners are COWI on PtX and infrastructure design, and New Power Partners supports renewable energy engineering design as an extended arm to GreenGo Energy’s global development, design and engineering team.

Finally, GreenGo Energy is committed to implement a substantial local educational and vocational training program. Development of the program has already been initiated with the Zealand Business College (ZBC) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The project will be financed through GreenGo Energy’s entrenched partnership approach with Tier1 investors in the green energy space, where GreenGo Energy will deliver the project through its 360-degree full services platform, leveraging a long track record of project delivery.

Author: Bryan Groenendaal


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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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