VUKA GROUP and Partners Release Energy Storage Guide for Beginners

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  • The Fundamentals of Battery Energy Storage for Beginners has been created as a practical guide for anyone considering installing an energy storage system.
  • Aimed at the Commercial and Industrial Sector, the digital handbook launches on Wednesday 12 October 2023.

Ever-decreasing costs of renewable energy generation are introducing an energy transition across Africa, especially as energy storage becomes more viable. A rapid scaling of projects and lowering of prices across Africa is bringing new projects to market, especially in the Commercial & Industrial (C&I) sector, which seeks reliability of electricity supply.

Energy storage systems are not only a potential back-up source of power but represent technology that can speed up the replacement of fossil fuels with green energy; create savings in operation costs; and build resilience into a business’ electricity supply.

The Fundamentals of Battery Energy Storage for Beginners was funded in part by the South African-German Energy Partnership, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (South Africa, Lesotho & eSwatini Country Office).

The South African Energy Storage Association (SAESA) has been instrumental in working with VUKA Group to get the handbook off the ground. SAESA spokesperson Jo Dean said: “The objective of the handbook is to bridge the gap between end user of the product and the engineering and supply partners. Both sides of the table equally informed, in a nascent industry where the technology is considered a disruptor.”

“Stumbling blocks to implementation from a home-owner to Large Scale Battery Energy Storage System aren’t solved overnight, and there’s still more work to be done. But, it’s clear that the collective work of countless individuals has led to significant progress in creating common knowledge on a neutral platform.

“This work is a collaboration between a number of industry stakeholders and a reflection of this collaboration – ultimately, we have had some 90 people who have given of their time, energy and knowledge to get us to this stage. This book is as much theirs – as we would not be here if it wasn’t for them.

“We have chosen to work with Enlit Africa and the VUKA Group as we share many common objectives and values. As SAESA, we are very keen to share the fundamentals of battery energy storage with the South African market, bringing understanding to the ins and outs of implementing storage. Enlit Africa and VUKA Group have the reach to do so through their social and media platforms, and they have been instrumental in the development of the final product,” said Dean.

Claire Volkwyn, Head of Content, VUKA Group: “We are so pleased to have worked with the South African Energy Storage Association and GIZ to develop this guide to energy storage for the Commercial & Industrial market in South Africa. As the need for energy storage grows across our country and the continent, understanding the fundamentals of how this technology can be applied to ensure security of supply and underpin the energy transition is vital.”

“From understanding the technology to the legal and regulatory environment in South Africa, the guide provides the first comprehensive step by step manual for installing and implementing energy storage,” said Volkwyn.

Chanelle Hingston, Group Director: Power & Energy, VUKA Group: “This work is the culmination of the efforts of many people who have given selflessly of their time and knowledge to help develop the guide. We are grateful to them and feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with them all to bring this to the wider C&I market in South Africa.”


A step-by-step guide to all your behind-the-meter installation of battery energy storage project needs, the handbook will be useful to anyone responsible for overseeing or seeking funding for energy storage infrastructure. Divided into four main areas, the handbook lays out what you need to understand before embarking on your project, by explaining:

  • Frequently asked questions
  • Technical matters
  • Regulatory matters; and
  • Finance, investment and commercial considerations.

The e-book explores use cases and answers many of the frequently asked questions when considering the installation of an energy storage system. This guide aimed at decision makers who have little to know experience in managing the day-to-day power requirements of their businesses but are now responsible for a substantial capital investment project.

A successful project will allow continued operations without interrupted power issues, a failed project will lead to financial losses while not delivering on continues operations.


The publication of Fundamentals of Battery Energy Storage for Beginners WILL mark a new chapter for the VUKA Group.

The first in a series of compendiums that will be published to help big commercial business and real estate to understand the fundamentals of battery energy storage, the e-book represents a flagship achievement for the VUKA Group and its partners.

David Ashdown, VUKA Group CEO: “The project re-establishes the role VUKA Group plays as an industry partner, keeping the finger on the pulse of burning issues, bringing people and organisations together to connect with insights in a meaningful way and to reach the next level of growth in the energy industry ecosystem.”

Link to get download the Fundamentals of Battery Energy Storage for Beginners HERE 

Author: Bryan Groenendaal

Energy storage systems will be a hot topic at Enlit Africa 2023

Do not miss it! Sign up to attend HERE 


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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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