SMA announces construction of gigawatt factory in Germany

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  • SMA has announced the start of construction of the SMA GIGAWATT FACTORY in Germany

“It’s examples like this, brave decisions like yours that Germany needs! It’s great that you’re taking the lead. Stay brave and stay true to your vision.” In his video welcoming address, Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, emphasized the importance of projects like the GIGAWATT FACTORY to the future of industry in Germany. From 2025, innovative system solutions for large-scale PV power plants are to be shipped from Niestetal all across the world. Thanks to this new factory, which also sets new standards when it comes to sustainability, SMA is doubling its production capacity from 20 to 40 gigawatts.

“Who would have thought, even just a few years ago, that we would double our production capacity and create more than 200 jobs in the region?” said Jürgen Reinert, CEO of SMA, in his welcoming speech. “Against the background of global climate change, the entire world is pinning its hopes on renewable energy. But to leverage this enormous potential, photovoltaics has to be intelligently coupled with storage systems, e-mobility and other sectors and integrated in the overall system. This is why we will be producing system solutions for large-scale PV power plants in two years’ time here in Niestetal and shipping them out across the world. In this way, we will be making a vital contribution right here in this region to a future-proof energy supply.”

One hundred guests attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the SMA GIGAWATT FACTORY on the Sandershäuserberg in Niestal in Niestetal in north Hesse. In addition to Robert Habeck, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, other representatives from the world of politics wished us every success in our project. To turn this €80 million investment project into a reality, SMA joined forces with the two Hamburg-based real estate companies, property team AG and GARBE Industrial Real Estate GmbH, who, in their capacities as developers and investors, are responsible for ensuring the turnkey and on-schedule completion of the factory. BREMER AG from Paderborn will construct the new factory in a resource-conserving manner in time for its scheduled opening 2025.

“As a matter of course, we implement our projects in accordance with the latest ecological standards and ESG criteria. That’s all part of our corporate strategy,” said Jan Dietrich Hempel, general manager of GARBE Industrial Real Estate GmbH. “We also placed great emphasis on sustainability in the new building for SMA. The building will be equipped with a PV system, constructed in accordance with the eco- and climate-friendly energy efficiency standard KfW 40 EE and certified to the DGNB’s gold standard. This investment in the new production site also supports solar energy, a key pillar of the energy supply of the future.”

“Our aim in all our construction projects is to use natural resources sparingly and minimize the building’s carbon footprint across the entire life cycle. The new SMA production site combines sustainable construction methods with high operational efficiency. This is also evident in the recognized Gold certificate from the German Sustainable Building Council (DNGB e.V.),” said Michael Dufhues, who sits on the Managing Board of BREMER AG.

Author: Bryan Groenendaal



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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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