Nordic Countries Bolster Partnerships in African Energy and Water Sectors

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  • Over a period spanning more than two decades, the Nordic countries โ€“ Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden โ€“ have developed viable and innovative energy systems with a focus on effective system integration, grid stability and sustainable energy solutions.
  • The Nordic countries have a long and strong history of cooperation and partnership with southern Africa.

During the Nordic Utility Days conference, running concurrently with African Utility Week in Cape Town, the Nordic countries expressed their eagerness to strengthen partnerships with sub-Saharan countries and discuss opportunities to increase green electrification andย water security.

The conference was attended by over 30 leading Nordic companies and ministerial delegations, including Swedenโ€™s State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Niklas Johansson,ย and Finlandโ€™s Deputy Director General for Natural Resources in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Kai Kaatra.

The Nordic countries hosted a business breakfast with the South African Minister of Energy Jeff Radebethat provided for open and frank discussions on the business and investment opportunities in the South African energy sector.

Experts from leading Nordic companies with well-established positions in the African market โ€“ participated in a series of panel discussions on the water and energy value chain. The discussions covered the crucial issues of:

  • Investment trends toward sustainability
  • Smart cities and why the Nordics are leading
  • Smart water management to tackle water scarcity
  • The 5 Rโ€™s of Water Management Cycle

Access to energy is a central condition for development. With 800 million people still living in extreme poverty across Africa, most of whom lacked access to reliable and affordable electricity, the issue of energy access is urgent.

The Nordic countries have been considered one of the most successful energy markets in the world.

During Radebeโ€™saddress at the Nordic business breakfast, he emphasised that โ€œNordic countries can assist African markets combat challenges in energy poverty, modernise ICT solutions, create employment and generate investmentsโ€, and that โ€œmoving toward clean and green renewables is crucial to achieve this goal.โ€

Minister Radebeย emphasised further that developing carbon capture and storage capacity would be an important contribution to greening the South African energy domain and emphasised the long-standing cooperation with Norway in this area.

Further unpacking the Nordic footprint in the sub-Saharan market, Danish Ambassador to South Africa, Tobias Elling Rehfeldannounced phase two of the Strategic Water Sector Cooperation partnership between Denmark and South Africa.

The Danish Minister of Environment and Food and the South African Minister of Water and Sanitation signed a memorandum of understanding regarding water use and water resources in November 2015.

This collaboration provides a concrete example of the kinds of public-private partnerships needed to fundamentally transform the trajectory of economic development in Africa and worldwide.

The Ambassador shared his enthusiasm attendees to the African Utility Week by saying, โ€œthe solutions to reaching global sustainable development goals (SDGs) are there and we are anxious to work together to reach affordable water for all countries. SDGs apply globally; the Nordic countries want to be partners. We have political and regulatory technical solutions to act globally and create solutions locally for Africa.โ€

Johansson expressed Swedenโ€™s commitment to developing relations as a contribution to reducing carbon emissions and how Sweden can cooperate in Africaโ€™s power transition.

โ€œIt is possible to combine good economic growth and reduction of emissions. These discussions are core and crucial to both opportunities and challenges that we face in addressing economic growth, climate change and employment,โ€ he noted.

On the issue of water security, Kaatra pointed out that, โ€œwith planning, management and governance including cost recovery for water services, it is possible to alleviate water scarcity.โ€

The Nordic countries have been very successful in building strong relationships and providing tangible resources to energy and water master plans. Their participation during Africaโ€™s largest energy conference demonstrates the commitment to working further with Sub-Saharan Africa.

Author: Babalwa Bungane

This article was originally published on ESI Africa and is republished with permission with minor editorial changes.


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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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