No More Power Cuts in Freetown – Sierra Leone, thanks to 260KM TRANSCO CLSG Power Pool Connection Line

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  • Sierra Leone capital Freetown will now enjoys 24-hour electricity after being successfully connected to the CLSG grid.

TRANSCO CLSG is supplying electricity to Freetown from an injection point in Bumbuna, which is about 260km away from the capital. Freetown has been importing up to a peak of 50MW from the CLSG network, according to Erick Achi, the engineering coordinator of TRANSCO CLSG.

The TRANSCO CLSG project reached this landmark achievement on 7 July 2022, following the successful synchronisation of the Sierra Leone network with the CLSG network, as well as the effective energisation of the Bikongor and Bumbuna substations. In December 2021, the Sierra Leone President Dr Julius Maada Bio officially switched on the Côte d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) electricity interconnection line at Tilorma, Kenema. Read more 

Countries in the Transco Powerpool. Image credit: Transco CLSG

Project director Etienne Bailly called it a major achievement in the CLSG project implementation. “It means that electricity can now be transmitted from CI Energies in Côte d’Ivoire to Bo, Kenema, Kono Bumbuna and Freetown (via the EGTC’s 161kV HT line),” explained Bailey

“This is not a small measure that will help with the provision of a sustainable and reliable electricity supply to the people of Sierra Leone,” said TRANSCO CLSG country manager Paul Saffa.

With approximately 530kms of transmission line across Sierra Leone, the 225kV power line is serving Bo and Kenema towns, with ongoing plans for the grid to serve other districts, including Pujehun, Kenema, Kono, Tonkolili, Koinadugu, Bombali, Kambia and Karene.

TRANSCO CLSG general manager Mohammed M. Sherif noted that switching on the lights offers hope for a better life, improved health, and education, alleviating poverty and fostering sustainable socio-economic development.

Sierra Leone is the first among the CLSG countries to sign both the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and the Transmission Service Agreement (TSA) and started trade on the line.

The Management of Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) of Sierra Leone stated that together with the TRANSCO CLSG development, it now has three sources of power generation: Karpowership, Bumbuna and TRANSCO, which will reduce loadshedding activity and also compensate for any unforeseen drop in power generation from either of its power producers.

Meanwhile, construction works will soon be completed at Fadugu (Yiben) and Kamakwei Substations in the Northern Province this year to enhance electricity supply to the northern part of the west African country, EDSA added.

Author: Nomvuyo Tena

Nomvuyo Tena is a Content Producer at Vuka Group and is as passionate about the energy transition in Africa as she is about music and Beyonce. 

This article was originally published on ESI Africa and is republished with permission with minor editorial changes.



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