Nigeria’s Rural Electrification Agency has successfully deployed 103 solar mini-grids across the country

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  • Nigeria’s Rural Electrification Agency has successfully deployed 103 mini-grids across Nigeria under the Performance Based Grant (PBG) subcomponent of the Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP), funded by the World Bank.
  • The REA, signaling a crucial advancement in enhancing electricity access for households, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as public facilities in rural and underserved regions of Nigeria.

Speaking during the 10th Mini-Grid Roundtable discussion, the Managing Director/Chief Executive of the Rural Electrification Agency (REA), Ahmad Salihijo, expressed the agency’s dedication to bridging the energy access gap in Nigeria. “The REA was established with the mandate to increase access to electricity by bridging the energy access deficit in Nigeria. Since inception, we have made significant progress in achieving this goal. The Agency is implementing various electrification programmes – like the Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP) – targeted at creating lasting impacts by fostering economic growth, improving education, and enhancing the overall quality of life of Nigerians,” he stated.

Highlighting the key strategy, he added, “One of the key strategies that we are using to achieve this goal is the Performance Based Grant (PBG) sub-component. The PBG is a financing mechanism that provides grants to qualified developers to construct and operate mini-grids in rural communities. So far, the PBG has been very successful in attracting private sector investments in mini-grids. Through the NEP, over 80 mini-grids have been completed and commissioned, connecting about 32,000 households, MSMEs, and public facilities, and providing clean and reliable electricity.”

The Solar Hybrid Mini-grid component has witnessed remarkable success, with a total of 46,661 verified connections made to households, MSMEs, and public facilities. The MD noted, “Each connection is a step towards bridging the energy gap and fostering economic development.” An additional 281,578 connections are in progress, poised to further expand the project’s impact and reach.

The initiative has already positively impacted over 230,000 people across Nigeria, leading to positive changes in their daily routines, economic activities, and overall quality of life. The installation of 5.8 MW of photovoltaic (PV) capacity underscores REA’s commitment to harnessing renewable energy sources for sustainable power solutions.

As the REA continues its efforts, the successful deployment of 103 mini-grids stands as a testament to the project’s dedication to creating a brighter and more electrified future for communities throughout Nigeria. “We’re not stopping here,” Ahmed Salihijo concluded. “Our vision is to keep expanding, keep innovating, and keep bringing light to every corner of this nation.”

Author: Bryan Groenendaal


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