Mine Installs Solar Street Lights

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  • Four intersections leading to Black Rock Mine in the Northern Cape have been equipped with BEKA Schrรฉderโ€™s Solar lighting solution, in order to provide a safer environment for pedestrians and motorists.
  • BEKA Schrรฉder locally develops and manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, designed and suitable for local conditions.

Black Rock Mine is located in Black Rock, a small town in South Africaโ€™s largest and most sparsely populated province, the Northern Cape. The intersections leading towards the different sections of the mine have always been in total darkness. In order to make pedestrians and motorists feel safer, it was decided to illuminate these intersections.

Due to the isolated location, a complete electrical reticulation would have been too expensive. Thus, a Solar street lighting solution was installed.

This environmentally friendly solar-powered LED street lighting installation requires almost no maintenance and zero running costs. The LEDlume-midi 36LED/55W luminaire, mounted at 8 meter above road level, was chosen for this project. The solar panels and battery boxes are secured by tamper-proof screws to prevent theft.

Pic:This environmentally friendly solar-powered LED street lighting installation requires almost no maintenance and zero running costs.

Furthermore, the BEKA Schrรฉder solar module has been engineered for all geographical locations in Africa, and has been designed to operate reliably at a high light output over a 12 to 14 hour period. It has sufficient autonomy to cater for up to two continuous overcast or rainy days, in order to continue its reliable night operation. This high quality solar lighting system contributes to green and sustainable energy source initiatives.

The LEDlume-midi is the LED luminaire of choice since it is designed and manufactured in South Africa, thus taking Africaโ€™s environments and conditions into account. This is evident in the luminaireโ€™s design. A unique thermal sensor technique monitors the temperature of the LEDs on the printed circuit boards (PCBs). Once a critical temperature is reached, which could harm the lifetime of the LEDs, the current is reduced to ensure safe operating temperatures of the LEDs. This safeguards the LEDs and ensures that the long lifetime of up to 100,000 hours (L70) is achieved. The slim, aesthetical design is optimised for LED characteristics.

BEKA Schrรฉder locally develops and manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, designed and suitable for local conditions. We are very proud to be associated with FCE Consulting Engineers, Black Rock Mine, and the Kimberley Roads Department in providing a successful Solar lighting solution for this project.

Are you interested in fitting BEKA Schrรฉder solar lights? Why not contact BEKA Schrรฉder directly by simply sending a quick response. A representative will be in touch shortly.

Author: GBA News Desk


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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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