Limpopo Province Premier Reports Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone Moving Ahead With Renewable Energy Plan with USAID

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  • Mr Stanley Chupu Mathabatha, Premier ofย Limpopo Province in South Africa, gave an update on theย Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone (MMSEZ) during his State of the Province Address on 23rd February.
  • The mega industrial project is very much moving forward with visible infrastructure developement happening on the ground plus a renewable energy strategy under plan with USAID.ย 
  • Civil society and environmental groups are against the project. Read moreย 

Mathabatha said that they aredeveloping a province-specific andย comprehensive energy plan “to ensure that we build a newย electricity generation capacity in our province.ย To this effect, the provincial government, and subsequentlyย municipalities, must include in their plans the development ofย energy production projects”.

“These plans must encapsulate the possible retrofitting of solarย panels to all government buildings. This will have to be done in a wayย that will complement Eskom.ย The provision of healthcare and education services should be amongst theย first to be insulated from the electric power supply interruptions.ย And it is in this context that as a start, I have mandated the MEC forย Health to prioritise the installation of solar power to hospitals and clinicsย in the province.ย In the same spirit, I am pleased to report about the launch ofย the Renewable Energy Strategy by Musina-Makhado SEZ inย partnership with the United States Agency for Internationalย Development.ย The strategy, which will be launched next month in March, willย serve as a blueprint to guide investments in our energy cluster,ย and also to promote sustainable development.visible work at the Musina-Makhado Specialย Economic Zone,” said Mathabatha.

The Premier also reported that, after the approval of theย Environmental Impact Assessment, construction work in theย North-Site has commenced with the laying of bulkย infrastructure. “The construction of the 14 kilometres internal roads has already created immediate opportunities for work-seekers and local entrepreneurs.ย Additional bulk installations, such as water, sewer, electricity,ย and integrated security infrastructure, will continue in 2023.ย It is also worth mentioning that the appeal process, in respectย of the Musina-Makhado SEZ South-Site Environmental Impactย Assessment was concluded in July 2022.ย This has paved a way for the completion of the townshipย establishment and the roll-out of the requisite bulkย infrastructure services,” said Mathabatha.

Environmental groups are against the development. There are multiple court challenges against the project including claims of a flawed environmental impact assessment approval. Read moreย 

Mathabatha added that the province will overcome the parties that continueย litigating against the development of the Musina-Makhadoย SEZ. “We are confident that, as before, we shall overcome thisย hurdle,” he said.

“In the recent past, there has, on the other hand, been an outcryย about the unavailability of water to support the MusinaMakhado SEZ.ย We are, however, pleased to announce that the Department ofย Water and Sanitation has given us an assurance that it willย support the project with water on a short, medium- to long-termย basis.ย Among the proposed water sources, are ground water,ย imported water, and the development of new dams in theย Vhembe District,” saidย Mathabatha.

Author: Bryan Groenendaal


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