De Ruyter fails to account to SCOPA on allegations of mafia cartels and corruption at Eskom

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  • In what can only be decribed as a tactics commonly used by the corrupt, former Eskom GCE ducked, dived and deflected during his appearance before parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (SCOPA) yesterday. 
  • SCOPA invited De Ruyter to substantiate the allegations he has made regarding corruption, theft, maladministration, sabotage, lack of consequence management, cartels and other financial irregularities at Eskom. 
  • He was expected to name the high ranking minister implicated in mafia style looting at Eskoms’ fleet of coal power stations in Mpumalanga.
  • Despite being pressed, he failed to do so. 

Instead De Ruyter deferred to Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, presidential security adviser Sydney Mufamadi, whom he said were informed of the incidents of corruption and crime plus were regularly briefed on all the allegations that he has made. De Ruyter added that in June 2022, he specifically briefed both of them on the intelligence-driven internal investigation into corruption and cartel-organised crime at Eskom.

In a broad-sweeping interview with journalist Annika Larsen on eTV in February, De Ruyter said that the ruling party, the ANC, is involved in widespread corruption and political interference at the country’s state owned power utility. It mentions that a certain high ranking minister was directly involved without naming the person. He was released from his position with immediate effect a day after giving the interview.

In the interview, De Ruyter explained that the ANC was more interested in short-term political gains than long-term sustainability for the country. “They want what will win them the next election – not what will keep the country going for the next two decades,” said De Ruyter. De Ruyter also said that fixing and turning Eskom around is not feasible. Read more

De Ruyter cited his personal security apprehensions having already experienced an attempt on his life when drinking coffee laced with cyanide at his office at Eskom. He stated that he has concerns of litigation against him and he may be seen as defeating the ends of justice by disclosing the names of people or a crime that is subject to a criminal investigation. He directed SCOPA to the appropriate offices of government responsible for investigation all the allegations.

The responsibility now lies with Gordhan and Mufamadi who, along with the Eskom board, will appear before MPs to discuss corruption at Eskom next week Tuesday (3rd May). The following week, the country’s security cavalry in the form of the Special Investigating Unit, the State Security Agency, the Hawks, the South African Police and  the Auditor-General will appear before SCOPA on the matter.

The people of South Africa continue face up to 10 hours of loadshedding (blackouts) daily because of poor planning, incompetent management, corruption, theft, looting and sabotage at the state owned and state-run energy utility, Eskom. Read more

The utility also faces unsustainable debt of over R400 billion and the South African taxpayer is in line to pay nearly R495 billion in bailouts by 2026. Read more

Author: Bryan Groenendaal


1 Comment

  1. De Ruyter is not a forensic investigator, he was employed to run Eskom. He did a fine job against an avalanche of misdeeds, corruption and sloth.

    He has shown sufficient cause to investigate. Not only that, but he has adequately indicated the size of the problem.

    The professionals in that field must do so.

    To me, this is a very slanted article.

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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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