Cape Town offers cash for excess power from households

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  • Cape Town has become the first city in South Africa to enable residential households to earn cash for power from their solar PV generation systems.
  • Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis announced that a first round of applications is open until 8 March for households to earn actual cash from selling their excess solar power to the City, going beyond the existing automatic crediting of municipal bills.
  • Hill-Lewis was speaking at the launch of the City’s Energy Strategy at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on 12 February.
  • The strategy sets out a roadmap to 2050, including short-term plans to protect against the first four stages of Eskom load-shedding by 2026.  

‘Today Cape Town becomes the first city with a formally adopted Energy Strategy, which clearly outlines how we plan to end load-shedding, as the most important action we can take for job-creating economic growth.

‘In the short-term, we are planning for four stages of load-shedding protection by 2026, as we make the great transition from unreliable, costly and fossil fuel based Eskom energy, to an increasingly decentralised supply of reliable, cost-effective, carbon neutral energy from a diverse range of suppliers.

Related news: SMA’s super versatile Sunny Island inverter/battery system beats the loadshedding challenges in South Africa 

‘In Cape Town, the most exciting part is that residents and businesses are going to play a crucial role in helping us to end load-shedding by working together as Team Cape Town. We will buy as much solar power as households and businesses can sell to us under the Cash for Power programme. Households can also volunteer for our Power Heroes programme to remotely switch off geysers at peak times in a bid to avoid a full stage of load-shedding. And in another first, we are enabling businesses to sell power to each other and wheel it across the grid, which will add 350MW of decentralised power to Cape Town’s grid in time,’ said Mayor Hill-Lewis.

Hill-Lewis further noted that President Ramaphosa had made a number of commitments and promises in his final SONA around energy and ending South Africa’s 17-year-old load-shedding crisis.

‘The President ended his speech in the same way he ended the previous six – by vowing that the worst of load-shedding is behind us.

‘The fact is that load-shedding has gotten considerably worse after every such promise, and already we have re-entered stage six. It should be obvious to all by now that we cannot wait for the same people who created the crisis, to fix it. We must do so ourselves,’ said Mayor Hill-Lewis.

Short-term load-shedding mitigation up to 2026 will be achieved largely through a mix of Steenbras Hydro Plant (1 – 2 stages); 500MW of dispatchable energy (up to four stages from 06:00 – 22:00 daily where possible); and demand management programmes such as Power Heroes and Large Power Users (LPUs) curtailment.

Overall, Cape Town is planning to add up to one gigawatt of independent power supply to end load-shedding in the city over time, with the first 650MW of this within five years, including enough to protect against four Eskom load-shedding stages by 2026.

How to apply to get Cash for Power

‘The City is excited to announce that this Cash for Power is now being offered to existing residential customers, with applications now open until 8 March. It is important to note that customers wishing to only offset their electricity and rates accounts, do not need to apply and will automatically be compenstated on authorisation of their grid-tied SSEG system with feed-in. If customers are interested to go above and beyond this, they can register and get cash for their power – where any remaining credit will accumulate until it reaches a certain amount and then the City will pay you out,’ said Councillor Van Reenen.

Cash for Power applications are open for all residential customers on the home user tariff with an approved grid-tied SSEG system and bi-directional AMI meter to feed power back into the grid. For more information, visit:

Interested parties are required to first be registered as a service provider on both the City Supplier Database and the National Treasury Web Based Central Supplier Database (CSD), accessible from the links below:

City of Cape Town’s Supplier Database registration:

National Treasury Web Based Central Supplier Database (CSD) registration:

Cash for Power applications for this round should be submitted to by 8 March 2024.

Any submissions received after this date will be kept for the next round, with the date to be announced after this first round closes on 8 March 2024.

As per Supply Chain rules, successful Cash for Power sellers will contract with the City for a period of three years after appointment.

View the Energy Strategy here:

Author: Bryan Groenendaal


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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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