JinkoSolar’s Tiger Neo 605 – Versatile for Both Utility and Commercial Projects

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  • The race for the highest wattage solar panel started in 2020 and came to an end with JinkoSolar’s Tiger Neo, carrying efficiency up to 22.3%, promising to have 15-20W more wattage than the conventional p-PERC panel of the same size.
  • Unlike other panels whose higher power comes from enlarged sizes, Tiger Neo derives this result simply from increased efficiency.

For instance, the power rating of Tiger Neo 72-cell version based on 182” wafer is ranging from 555W to 575W with mainstream at 565W, while conventional PERC modules are rated 540 W to 560W with maximum focus on 550W. Tiger Neo 78-cell version has power rating well above 610W. In addition, with the same power rating and compact size, Tiger Neo has an energy yield of 3% to 5% higher than conventional modules.

Tiger Neo produces over 3% more power than its p-PERC counterparts owing to its benefits including lower degradation, higher temperature, better low light performance in the morning and later afternoon, lower rate of LID (light-induced degradation) and does not suffer from LeTID (light and elevated temperature induced degradation), unlike P-type cells.

More bang for your buck without compromising on size

The main driver for developing more powerful solar panels stems from the desire to decrease the cost of utility-scale solar farms and ultimately reduce electricity prices. Since high output panels require an equivalent amount of connections and labour compared to low wattage panels, the installation cost per kW is reduced, resulting in lower overall cost and decreased LCOE. But the conventional 605W 210 p-PERC panel is way oversized at about 1303mm wide which makes it challenging to handle on most rooftops, while Tiger Neo has smarter size at about 1134 mm wide which enables more panels to be connected per string, furthermore, making panel carrying and installation easier and more friendly.

In addition to power density, Tiger Neo 605W promises 3%-5% extra produced energy over its 600W p-PERC counterparts which means high power per watt (kWh/kWp). From the system safety perspective, Tiger Neo 605W is advantageous in lower short circuit current at 14A while its 210 p-PERC 605W panels are at about 15A.

In summary

Tiger Neo is uniquely combining higher wattage and higher efficiency, along with the cost-advantage as compared to other premium high efficiency makes. The reason to choose JinkoSolar’s Tiger Neo:

  • The Tiger Neo 78-cell version is an ultra-high power panel, and its 72-cell panel has a power output ranging from 555W to 575W, while the 60-cell residential panel comes in a 460-480W model. All Tiger Neo modules have an efficiency of up to 22.3%, which is higher than what’s currently available on the market.
  • Improved High-Temperature Performance: When solar panels get hotter, they can lose the ability to generate power. Tiger Neo panels have a much lower temperature co-efficient compared to conventional modules, which results in delivering higher output in hotter weather.
  • Excellent Low Light Performance: There are times in the day when solar panels are not able to capture 100% of the available sunlight, e.g during mornings, evenings, or cloudy skies. Tiger Neo panels have excellent performance under these low light conditions.
  • Excellent low light performance- Tiger Neo has great performance under low light conditions, which means in morning and sunset, in cloudy or not directly south orientation, Tiger Neo will deliver higher output.
  • Improved high-temperature performance- Tiger Neo panels slowly lose their ability to generate power as they get hotter, thanks to their much lower temperature co-efficient to other modules.
  • Increased power generation- Tiger Neo, adopting n-type cell technology, increases panel efficiency, giving more power per panel and more kWh per KWp.
  • Enhanced performance warranty- Tiger Neo series comes with an enhanced performance warranty. After 30 years of use, the Tiger Neo is guaranteed to provide at least 88% of initial performance.
  • Low LID- The Light Induced Degradation (LID) and LeTID of Tiger Neo is extremely low when compared with the standard P-type cells.

Jinkosolar has been involved in delivering nearly 100GW of quality panels to over 170 countries, more than any of other brands to date. It gives you peace of mind solar panels that exceed customer expectations. You will have no come-backs with JinkoSolar Tiger Neo solar panels. 

Author: Bryan Groenendaal


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Green Building Africa promotes the need for net carbon zero buildings and cities in Africa. We are fiercely independent and encourage outlying thinkers to contribute to the #netcarbonzero movement. Climate change is upon us and now is the time to react in a more diverse and broader approach to sustainability in the built environment. We challenge architects, property developers, urban planners, renewable energy professionals and green building specialists. We also challenge the funding houses and regulators and the role they play in facilitating investment into green projects. Lastly, we explore and investigate new technology and real-time data to speed up the journey in realising a net carbon zero environment for our children.

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