Improved Productivity
Daylighting through the introduction of skylights in your factory reduces the need to use energy sapping artificial lighting. At the same time it can enliven a building by bringing the outdoor environment indoors, improve safety and ultimately improve productivity. Day lighting includes two broad categories; side lighting and/or top lighting. The level of integration of daylighting into your factory environment can have a profound influence on work place satisfaction for staff.
It also draws workers attention to specific areas, reinforcing the activities or resources that reside in that area. Skylight placement and the type of glazing used in sky lighting are key to unlocking maximum light performance on the shop floor. It must be noted that glazing serves two different purposes: providing a view out and allowing daylight in. The quantity and directionality of light provided by the daylighting system should be appropriate for the visual task.
Daylighting must be integrated with electric lighting, interior layout and mechanical systems. They must work together with the mix of the correct lighting technology, temperature control and daylight resource. The daylight zones must be regulated to ensure that energy savings from the daylighting system are realized. The electric lighting system may be either dimmed or automatically switched off when the desired levels of illumination are achieved from natural light.