
Lighting Overview

The key to more efficient lighting in the factory is using natural light where possible, switching off lights when not in use, replacing existing lighting with energy efficient lighting and using low voltage lighting where appropriate. Used in combination with other energy saving initiatives, new technology lighting will cut your energy bill dramatically and in many a cases, improve your factory lighting performance. The incandescent traditional light bulb uses approximately four times the amount of electricity compared to the new technology Compact Fluorescents or LED bulbs.

It still makes sense to change to the new technology albeit more expensive per unit in most cases at this point in time. Workers tend to be more productive in a well-lit space that fosters better visual comfort. Economically lit factories tend have a higher productivity performance, less absenteeism and sick leave amongst staff plus increased safety performance. Ultimately by optimising your lighting needs in terms of on-off controls, dimming controls and using combined technologies, your overall factory operational costs will be reduced.

Energy Efficient Lighting Options:

Compact Flourescents

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL’s) have replaced the incandescent light bulb because CFLs give off the same amount of light, using 20% of the electricity.

Flourescent Tubes

Fluorescent Tubes should be used in a factory environment as it uses roughly a quarter of the power that incandescent bulbs require to produce the same amount of light.

LED Lighting

LED lighting is slowly replacing Compact Fluorescent Lighting (CFL’s) in the factory environment, as they are simply the intermediate solution to energy efficiency.

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