Compact Flourescent Lights

Incandescent Alternative

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL’s) have replaced the incandescent light bulb because CFLs give off the same amount of light, but use just 20% of the amount of electricity. That means you can light up your factory using one fifth of the electricity consumed by incandescent bulbs. It is advisable to use high voltage CFL only in high use areas of your factory i.e. production lines and work tables, and low voltage bulbs in other areas to further reduce electricity consumption.

It must be noted that CFLs are a temporary solution to energy-efficient lighting. Advancements in manufacturing technology of LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes) have driven the prices down to a level where LED bulbs are becoming more cost-effective than CFLs or incandescent bulbs with added benefits (link to LED’s).

What You Need To Know:

CFL’S Offer up to 80% saving on your factory energy use for lighting

CFL’s will fit your existing factory lighting sockets

CFL’s cost more than incandescent light bulbs but last up to 10 times longer depending on quality

Installing timers, down lighting and dimmers further reduces electricity consumption

CFL’s are replaced less often than incandescent bulbs

Payback period of between 8 and 12 months

Contains in tiny amounts (less than 5mg) of mercury vapour, this amount is 100 times less than the amount of mercury in a watch battery. CFL’s pose no health risk if fitted and used properly and disposed of properly.

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