Optimize Illumination
Dark and gloomy factory environments can be significantly brightened by making sure the factory walls and ceilings are clean and painted with the correct type and colour of paint. Illumination can be increased as much as five fold by simply painting factory interiors with the correct paint. Some manufacturers have introduced reflective paint that absorbs less natural or artificial light, using 20% less light energy.
The idea is to make less use of energy sapping artificial light in interior spaces. The painted areas effectively become reflectors of light. Dirty, dark, and unpainted ceilings areas, walls and seldom used factory spaces are a health and safety risk. These areas can easily become contaminated which can cause spontaneous combustion due to oil residue, fibre dust and solvents from production processes. Similarly, air quality in these areas may be compromised.
Traditionally, paints have contained high quantities of VOCโS (Volatile Organic Compounds). These compounds are toxic, harmful to the environment and can cause building sickness. In addition, the strong smell of high quantities of VOCโS found in paint on our walls can make the factory working environment challenging. At this point in time there is no legislation governing VOCs in South Africa but, progressive paint manufacturers do offer eco-friendly paints with low VOCโS.