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Account name:  GBA Digital Media (Pty) Ltd
Bank: First National Bank
Account type: Business Cheque Account
Account number: 62739034122
Branch code: 204809 Broadacres
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

Green Building Africa - Donate

Thank you for your willingness to support us. Green Building Africa promotes the positive narrative ‘let’s green build Africa together’. 

Our quality lies in our honest and direct approach to our editorial content which covers the renewable energy, building and infrastructure and sectors on the African continent.

While we are a commercial operation, we limit the number of advertisers to only 7 at any given time. This eliminates pesky advert intrusions and enhances to our visitor reader experience.    

Just to clarify that your donation signifies your support for what we do which includes educational content and knowledge transfer to those communities who may not ordinarily have access to it. 

We also have plans to take on young African journalists and groom them into mighty writers. This will enable us to broaden our content through the employment of people who might otherwise not be given the opportunity.        

Your generosity is classified as a donation so we can issue you with a Section 18A tax certificate if requested. The amount you donate is up to you. 

Your support ensures that Green Building Africa stays independent and freely accessible to anyone.


Copyright Green Building Africa 2024.